Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2

All right. Two days in. So far so good.
Today, I couldn't think of too much to do... it's been a slow start. I did do a few things though. I hung out with my family most of the day, which always includes something slightly crazy. Oh yeah, I just remembered. I flirted with a 19-year-old girl who's a friend of my sister's (I've never met her) through my sister's facebook chat. Of course, maybe that isn't all out of the ordinary for me ;)
I almost stood up at church during the welcome time to say that it was my first time at church this year, but as soon as I did, my friends from both sides pulled me back down. :( oh well...
Afterwards, I did some running and jumping through the streets of Amman on our way to Burger King. At Burger King, I didn't feel like using my Arabic skills to order, even though I'm pretty much fluent, so I just said "two small drinks". I didn't really expect him not to understand me at all, but even when he didn't, I still didn't switch to Arabic. He ended up getting the manager to come take my order, cause he didn't understand at all.
At Burger King, I pretended to get annoyed at someone, stood up in a huff, and declared "I need to go fix my hair". I then borrowed a comb from one of the girls there, and proceeded to go fix my hair. I think I impressed the others there. I also made a necklace out of straws, and a flower out of a drink lid. One major thing I did was I proposed to my best friend (who is a girl, just to clear that up). She said she'll think about it... somehow I don't think she was serious.
Ummm... I walked home with my sis. Oh, I told her a bedtime story about a little boy whose lucky charms are stolen. He called the police, but they were making donuts and having lightsaber duels, and he could only come down if he had a snuggie, but his sister took the snuggie to Timbuktu. To make a long story short, he went with a boggart to the Alpine of New York who sent them to the Barracuda of Tennessee who knew where the wizard of the North lives (in Iceland). The wizard of the North told them that the lucky charms were stolen by the dragon from Down Under, so they went down under and met the Trix Rabbit, who was going to fight the dragon as well. There was an epic battle, in which the dragon "evaporated into a fit of lava". The boy got his lucky charms back, and everyone was happy.
Tomorrow's another day. Maybe I'll think of some more to do. :/ Give me ideas if you have them. I might film a dance video to cheer a friend I have up. Other than that, I got nothing so far. See ya!

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