Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 8

Ok, I'd like to begin by adding to something I did on Thursday. I did do this, but I forgot to post it. So, at the beginning of the school day, I arrived at English class slightly early. The 8th graders had not yet finished homeroom, so I waited outside. Once they started walking out, I proceeded to tell every one of them "Have a great day at school." I know, it's not that crazy for some people, but I don't know any of them very well, and one of them was the princess.

So yeah. Today. January 8. Let's see...

Slow day. That's all I can say. I was at home almost all day. I played guitar, procrastinated, and did some slight SAT prep. Then I went out with some friends. I got there early and hung out with one of my friends who was there early to get tickets to the movie. We went and tried sunglasses on at Sunglasses Hut, where the cheapest pair is 104JD. So that was fun. We also went to Virgin Megastore and looked at all the movies, music, and more. (that should be their slogan!) The other friends arrived, and we went to the movie. During a dramatic part in the movie, when the main character was rallying some people, he said something, and everyone cheered and raised one arm up in the air (in the movie). So I raised my arm up too. (I thought it would not be such a great idea to cheer)

After the movie, we hung out, went to the food court, and whatnot. After a while, there was only me and one other person, and I was taking a taxi home, so I decided to wait until she had to go. We ended up going into the parking garage and having a photoshoot. So I think that qualifies as something out of the ordinary, especially since we got lots of weird looks.

One of my friends suggested doing everything with my left hand. I did my best, but there wasn't much to do. I didn't write anything at all, and I actually forgot to brush my teeth with my left hand. I did eat and drink with my left, though. I think this works too.

Anyway, I think that's it. If I remember anything else I can let you know later. See ya!


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