Friday, January 8, 2010

January 7

Today was a pretty good day, I think.

I started out by wearing pink fluffy socks to school. I wore them all day (with my leather shoes). That was pretty exciting and possibly the main thing for today.

Later, I managed to convince my blonde friend that I have a sever case of anatidaephobia, which is the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is always watching you. I told her a long story about how I developed it (when I was attacked by a duck in summer 2003), and that I don't eat duck because I'm afraid a duck will see me and get mad, (karma and all). She said she completely understood and felt really bad for me. Then I thanked her for being a part of my insanity.

I also came up with a word for the fear of tiny green rabbits eating your marshmallows. A friend of mine (a different one) apparently has this fear, so I researched the latin roots of each word and came up with pussilioviridicunuculusvorathaeaofficialophobia. She thanked me.

I texted during physics class, wrote a poem during chemistry, and threw stuff at people during math. I think that about covers it. It was a pretty good day. See ya tomorrow!


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